Lucky Incense Blog


Once deciding which life aspiration you wish to enhance or "activate," there is a variety of tools you can use. The style of decorative objects isn't important-that's up to you. What is important is that...

The BaguaThe principal reference symbol in the practice of Feng Shui is the Bagua, or Pa Kua. This octagonal symbol corresponds to the four cardinal points of the compass and their four sub-directions. The four...

The Chinese recognize five elements.These arise out of the interplay of yin and yang and represent different manifestations of Qi. They represent a classification system for everything in the universe, including people. The Chinese believe...

The oldest anthology of poetry in Chinese tradition, The Book of Odes, recounts the tale of Chief Gong Liu, who bravely led an exodus of his people to the fertile lands of Bin in the...

What is Qi?In its earliest contexts, Qi (pronounced "Chi") was a meteorological category composed of six phases cold, warmth, wind, rain, darkness, and light. Qi originally referred to steam or vapor, but by the time...

A generic form of Feng Shui doesn't exist. Instead,a number of different approaches interpret environments, but they all focus on connecting with the energy of a place. Some schools of thought investigate living and working...

Feng Shui - commonly accepted as stemming from the Chinese Feng, the force of the wind, and Shui, the flow of water - is based on the theory that energy from these natural forces can...