A Feng Shui no - no is the staircase which starts directly in front of the front door. The Qi created is too powerful, with poison arrows rushing straight up the stairs. From the main door, staircases should be concealed from view. Similarly, avoid staircases ending directly in front of an upstairs door. Gently curving staircases are preferable to those which are straight and long; equally, they should not be too narrow nor too steep, which may make them difficult to use. Steps are best if they are solid and covered, not left exposed. Unfortunately for lovers of skeletal and minimalist staircases, the spaces between each step allow auspicious Qi to escape.
Spiral staircases are not recommended either, as their shape resembles a corkscrew piercing the heart of the house, resulting in bad Feng Shui. To diminish their effect, place them in an unobtrusive corner. The worst combination is a winding staircase carpeted in red. Also, be wary of placing the staircase in the wealth corner of the house, as it can cause financial loss.
When we step into a home, whether it's our own or not, our first impression is of the hall. A light, spacious, brightly colored and clutter - free hall is best. A long, dark corridor which is cluttered and cramped will set the tone and feeling for the rest of the space. The Chinese believe that narrow, dark hallways can evoke feelings of depression. Be aware of the placement of long hallways or corridors in or near your home-poison arrows thrive in this territory. If home is an apartment at the end of a long hall, for example, the Qi flow will be fierce. The best remedy here is to soften and slow its effect by placing bushy plants along the corridor and near your front door.
Split - level and mezzanine floors within the home are not generally advocated by Feng Shui practitioners. If you are left with no alternative to one of these, make sure your dining area is located on the higher level.
This ensures that, in accordance with Chinese principles, the Qi of the residents is higher than that of the visitors, who are entertained in the lower level living room. For similar reasons, bedrooms, family rooms and studies should never be located on the lower levels of a house.
Modern design
Should you have a staircase in view of the front door, block the view with plants, furniture, a tall vase of flowers, a screen or a bookcase. A colorful round rug or crystal chandelier will effectively gather Qi in the hall. A wind chime which sounds as the door opens will stop Qi flowing into the house too quickly.
Pay close attention to the lighting and decoration of staircases and hallways. Low ceilings can feel restrictive and make moving furniture difficult, but overcoming these problems will be worth it.
Apply bright colors and mirrors in hallways to lighten and brighten them.
Coat hooks, shoe cupboards, racks, umbrella stands and wooden trunks are all effective ways to reduce clutter and can make our homecoming easier.
Break down Qi flow in long, straight corridors by using plants. If you have a spiral staircase, wrap some ivy or green silk around it and make sure a light shines from the top to the bottom. Place plants beneath staircases to ground the staircase's energy.
If you're planning or buying a home, a word of Feng Shui advice is to avoid a staircase which starts directly in front of the main entrance - as the Qi created is too powerful and hard-hitting. In this instance, energy will rush straight up the stairs and be lost. Try blocking the view or slowing down Qi with plants, furniture, a tall vase of flowers, a screen or a bookcase.
Although a much sought after contemporary look, minimalist staircases constructed from steel or aluminum are bad Feng Shui - the spaces between each step allow auspicious Qi to escape.
A sacred space enhancer, representing all five elements, has been applied here to ground and nurture the supportive energy and to slow down the escape of Qi in this area.