Traditional Harmony
Bathrooms are places of cleansing and purification, private retreats where you can escape from the world. So they should be peaceful, with soothing music, colors and aromatic oils. Good lighting is beneficial, as are cleanliness, ventilation and simplicity. The bathroom poses an interesting
Feng Shui conundrum, as its basic element (Water) plays two roles - it represents money and it washes away dirt. So every time you flush water down the drain, you are in danger of sending your finances away with it.
To rectify this, avoid locating bathrooms in any of the important wealth or career sectors of the house. Showers, toilets or baths placed in this sector will drain positive prospects and luck - keep dripping taps in check. Try not to locate the bathroom in the middle of the house (Earth), as negative energy will spread from the center to all parts of the building. Instead, bathrooms should be sited along the sides of the house, tucked away discreetly.
Within the bathroom, toilets are best hidden from view; avoid facing them toward staircases or dining rooms. Toilets shouldn't be located at the end of a corridor or in the vicinity of the main door. And bathrooms, as they are associated with Water, shouldn't be next to the kitchen, which is associated with Fire - Water destroys Fire.
Bad Feng Shui - Bathroom
• The mirror above the toilet reflects the toilet and also faces the door, which is to be avoided
• The toilet is visible from the door
• No mirror or storage near sink
• The open door allows negative Qi to flow into the rest of the house
• Poor use of space between sink and bath, and bath and shelves
• Cluttered shelves
• See - through windows with slatted blinds
Modern Design
If you can't avoid having the bathroom near the front door or in the center of the home, balance the energy by placing tall plants around the toilet. Placing plants where there is excess Water energy will redress the balance of the elements. Also, keep the toilet lid down, try to keep drains covered and hang a small convex mirror on the outside of the bathroom door to prevent energy going in and being lost. Other options are to install a ventilated skylight and to place colored ribbons or wind chimes near artificial ventilation devices they will flutter, making music and enlivening Qi. Placing a small mirror at the base of the toilet also stops Qi and your wealth from going down the drain. If the toilet is near the kitchen, hang a ceramic mobile or wall plaque (Earth element) between the rooms to moderate the different energies. Try hiding the toilet with a screen, half - wall, door, alcove, curtain or cabinet.
Apply large mirrors so that they reflect as much of the person as possible - these will also increase the sense of space. The bathroom is the most yin room in the house and is often dark and damp, so add yang for balance - some bright splashes of color or lighted candles. While the use of uninterrupted color such as white is beneficial, it will need warming up. Green and blue are good Feng Shui, but also try subtle splashes of peach, red or pink. Add richness through texture -wicker, glass, ceramics or cotton. The good news for art deco fans is that black and white diamond tile floors are good for holding the energy in the room.
Finally, doors leading to bathrooms are best kept closed.
Good Feng Shui - Bathroom
• The mirror has been removed from behind the toilet
• The toilet lid is down
• A screen has been provided to block toilet from view, creating privacy
• Black and white diagonal tiles throughout to "ground" energy
• A mirror has been placed on the outside of the door, which makes the room invisible when the door is closed
• A large, framed mirror has been hung above the sink; it includes storage for toothbrushes, etc.
• A yin rug has been added
• A round table concealing the drainage has been added. Place candles, flowers, sweet - smelling oils on it. The table has a concealed shelf underneath, which reduces clutter.
• Curtains and frosted glass have been added to the windows for privacy.
There are two conflicting roles at work in the bathroom: Water represents money and it washes away dirt. So, flushing water in the bathroom potentially means losing wealth. Avoid locating bathrooms in any of the important wealth or career sectors of the house, since showers, toilets or baths placed in this sector will drain positive prospects and luck. Also, keep the toilet lid down and try to keep drains covered.
Placing plants where there is excess water energy will redress the balance of the elements. Large mirrors also increase the sense of space. The bathroom is the most yin room in the house, and is often dark and damp, so add yang for balance - some bright splashes of color (such as glass vases and plants, as used here) or lighted candles. Also use texture to add richness wood, stone, glass tiles, ceramics, cotton, wicker.